Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Congratulations Wills and Kate!

Your mother will be so very proud as are we(woo hoo:)!


Friday, 12 November 2010

Breast really is best!

Special formula could 'prevent Type 1 diabetes in children'

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:49 AM on 12th November 2010
Babies given the cow's milk in a study were twice as likely as the others to develop one or more diabetes-related antibodies
Babies given the cow's milk in a study were twice as likely as the others to develop one or more diabetes-related antibodies
Children at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes could avoid the disease by steering clear of cow's milk, a study suggests.
Type 1 diabetes typically strikes in childhood and requires a lifetime of careful management, including regular insulin injections. It affects over 100,000 adults and children in the UK.
The condition is believed to be caused when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
Researchers studied 230 babies in Finland who had stopped receiving breast milk and were on infant formula.
Around half the babies were on a standard cow's milk formula while the others were given a special formula in which the proteins had been broken down into components too small to activate the immune system, a process called hydrolyzation.
Results of the pilot study, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that babies given the cow's milk were twice as likely as the others to develop one or more diabetes-related antibodies.
The antibodies took anywhere from 3 months to 10 years to appear.
Study leader, Dr Mikael Knip of the University of Helsinki said: 'Our results indicate that a preventive dietary intervention aimed at decreasing the risk of type 1 diabetes may be feasible.'
However, the pilot study was not large enough to tell if avoiding cow's milk reduced the actual risk of diabetes.
Eight per cent of the cow's milk recipients developed type 1 diabetes, compared to  six per cent who got the special formula, a difference that was not statistically significant.
A far larger study of 2,160 babies, now ongoing in 15 countries, is expected to provide a definitive answer in 2017.
All of the babies in the test - and those in the larger study now underway - have a genetic susceptibility to diabetes and had at least one family member with type 1 diabetes. They were followed until their 10th birthday.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


October 5th                                                            Balance

Whether you are suffering in this life, or smiling with opulence and power, your consciousness should remain unchanged. If you can accomplish even-mindedness, nothing can ever hurt you. The lives of all great masters show that they have achieved this blessed state. --Paramahansa Yogananda, "Man's Eternal Quest"

Monday, 4 October 2010


October 4th Balance

Do not make unimportant things important, nor concentrate on trifles at the expense of vital matters, or you will hamper your progress. Impulsive actions that are not in keeping with one's duties are undesirable. --Paramahansa Yogananda, in a "Para-gram"

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Divine Providence / The Law of Attraction / Creative Visualisation..........................

Ebay is a wonderful resource. Just key in what you need and viola it comes up with the goods, pronto! I noticed today there's a piece of equipment that I would benefit help the family's health and well being enormously. The RRP when bought brand-new is way out one's budget. Just made a bid but cannot afford to bid any higher. Hubby and I could really benefit from this handy device. I can tell it would attract many bidders.

Halva-like Goodness!

Combined some soaked organic and fair trade sesame seeds with dried fruit(with citrus peels:) and raw cacao powder to make the most deliciously-indulgent chocolatey fix ever(think of a healthy chocolate orange but nicer:). Sesame seeds are a excellent plant-source of Ca, essential fats, amino acids, Fe and feel-good chemicals to beat away the seasonal blues!

Friday, 1 October 2010

Friday, 1st September 2010

October 1st Balance

Mahavatar Babaji to Lahiri Mahasaya: "The millions who are encumbered by family ties and heavy worldly duties will take new heart from you, a householder like themselves....A sweet new breath of divine hope will penetrate the arid hearts of worldly men. From your balanced life, they will understand that liberation is dependent on inner, rather than outer, renunciations.' --Mahavatar Babaji, in "Autobiography of a Yogi"

Thursday, 30 September 2010

We need more Peter Tatchell's in this World, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

One of the very few living folk that one has admired from afar for mamy years has finally been acknowledged and honored recently in the form of a blue plaque(Normally bestowed to people that have passed away first)outside his London home. Peter has fought and campaigned tirelessly for human rights and justice for decades and this simple gesture given by the people makes me incredibly-proud of him and others that selflessly give their time to promote peace and harmony throughout the world. We need more Peter Tatchells in the world! I'm very happy for him and a great day for unity and justice. Other folks I greatly admire include the Liberty campaigner and founder. Joanna Lumley for putting her TV actress fame to good use to highlight the Gurka's campaign for justice in their noble efforts in the world war.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Spiritual Diary: Friday, 24th September!

September 24th Perfection

If others fool away their time, you be lost in God. You will go ahead. Let your example change others’ lives. Reform yourself and you will reform thousands.
—Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, in “Rajarsi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi”

Another 'I told you so' article published today in a UK daily publication

Why cavemen were better parents than we are today

Being a parent is an ancient art. And it seems we could learn a thing or two about child rearing by going back to the days of the hunter-gatherers.

Today's practice of leaving babies to cry, keeping them in buggies and car seats for long periods and not allowing them the freedom to roam outdoors is raising a dysfunctional generation, a psychologist claims.

Early societies had better ideas about being a parent than many 21st century families, according to Professor Darcia Narvaez.
Happy families: Early societies had better ideas about being a parent than many 21st century families, Professor Darcia Narvaez claims

Their children were cuddled and carried about, never left to cry, spent lots of time outdoors and were breastfed for years rather than months.
'Our research shows that the roots of moral functioning form early in life, in infancy,' she said.

'But child-rearing nowadays is increasingly depriving them of the practices that lead to well-being and a moral sense.'

More...Meet Triceratops' cousin: The amazing dinosaur with 15 horns that looked like a 'giant rhino with a supersized head'

Professor Narvaez led three American studies, including one looking at the parents of three year olds and how they compare with the child rearing of foraging hunter-gatherer societies of the past.

She found that unlike parents nowadays, ancient communities relied on extended families to look after their children or, as she said, 'people beyond mum and dad who also love the child'.

They were also more likely to promptly respond to a baby's crying and fussing.

'Warm, responsive care-giving like this keeps the infant's brain calm in the years it is forming its personality and response to the world,' said Professor Narvaez, who is based at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.

'At the same time, our distant ancestors spent much of their time being held and caressed by their mother, forming a close bond. They were not spanked.'
Children also spent much more time outside playing and exploring rather than being kept indoors by themselves.

Studies have shown that children who don't spend enough time playing are more likely to develop hyperactivity and mental health problems, the psychologist said.

Breastfeeding is also an area of difference. Centuries ago, mothers would breastfeed children until the age of around five.

Humans have been foraging hunter-gatherers for most of their history. Farming gradually began to take over from the time of the last Ice Age 13,000 years ago, although some hunter-gatherer societies remain.
The findings, to be presented at a U.S. conference next month, run counter to current advice from parenting gurus to allow 'controlled crying' and to isolate misbehaving children on a 'naughty step' or in their rooms.

Professor Narvaez pointed to studies showing a decline in the well-being of American children over the past 50 years.

Separate research in Britain has also suggested an increase in mental health problems among children.

'There's an epidemic of anxiety among the young,' she said. 'Kids who don't get the emotional nurturing they need in early life tend to be more self-centred. They don't have the same compassion- related emotions as kids who were raised by warm, responsive families.'

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Full Moon Tonight!

An interesting and auspicious time to reflect and to meditate, perhaps?!!!

'God grant me the courage to change the things I can change, serenity for the things I can't and wisdom to know the difference...'

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Hydrator of choice(yaaaaaaaaaay for young green coconuts:)!

Coconut water is low in fat and calories, has no cholesterol, and has a natural balance of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium- making it a healthy electrolyte drink. It has even been used intravenously to stabilize electrolytes.
Many people know of the healing benefits of coconut oil. Coconut water now joins the pantry’s medicine cabinet. Coconuts are anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-microbial. The lauric acid in coconuts is also used to heal digestive tract disorders such as Leaky Gut Syndrome.
According to ayurvedic belief, coconut is carminative: meaning that it helps to prevent intestinal gas, aids in removing toxins and increases the digestive tract’s ability to absorb nutrients. Coconut balances acid levels and flushes toxins out. Ayurveda considers coconut a natural stress-buster.
The calming, cooling benefits of coconut water relieves burning sensations and hot flashes and “restores emotional stability in menopausal women”. This property of coconut water also makes it an excellent choice for liver problems, hepatitis or inflammation.
Since it regulates the functioning of the intestine, the coconut water propitiates to the user a smoother and pretty skin.
Beyond ingested, the coconut water can also be used directly on the face, for skin hydration.
Around the world women have used coconut products on their hair and skin as well as consuming it. It is a common ingredient in beauty products.
For your health, Coconut Water is:

Low in Carbohydrates
Low in Fat 99% Fat Free
Low in natural occurring sugar
Keeps the body cool and at the proper temperature
Contains organic compounds possessing growth promoting properties
Cures malnourishment
Effective in the treatment of kidney and urethral stones
Natural drink for feeding infants suffering from intestinal disturbances
Excellent oral re-hydration medium, an all natural isotonic for all ages
Re-hydrate naturally, free of added sugars or chemicals
Lower arterial pressure
Relieve spasms and stomach pain
Ease burns
Natural diuretic
Presence of saline and albumen makes it an excellent drink in cholera cases
Maintains the human body’s natural fluid levels
Can be injected intravenously in emergency cases
Found as a blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, does not produce heat, and does not destroy red blood cells and is readily accepted by the body
Helps in carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells
Excellent all natural water to drink while Relaxing, Meditating, Driving, Eating, Running, Aerobics, Working, Skiing, Mountain Biking, Exercising, Body Building, Surfing, Fishing, Snow Boarding, Working Out, Surfing, Physical Activities, or Exertion of any kind
Eliminate swelling in hands and feet
Normalize the intestinal function and raise metabolism
Heal damage induced by antibiotics and toxins in the digestive tract
Boost poor circulation
It is truly a life giving fluid. Our special harvesting and processing procedures allow us to package and pasteurize our natural Coconut Waters that are biologically pure, with no need for adding any preservatives. Exquisitely tasting and full of all the natural fluids, vitamins, nutrients, sugars, minerals and salts demanded and needed by everyone of all age groups. Coconut Water has no Cholesterol, is fat free and is naturally low in Calories!
Everyone should drink this fine all natural coconut water EVERY DAY, it is a Natural isotonic beverage for all ages.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Spiritual Diary: Tuesday, 21st September 2010!

September 21st Right Activity

We will be seen on this stage of life again and again, until we become such good actors that we can play our parts perfectly, according to the Divine Will. Then the Stage Manager will say: “You need ‘go no more out.’ (Rev. 3:12). You have done My Will. You have played your part, and acted well. You did not lose courage. Now you have come back to Me, to be a pillar of immortality in the temple of My Eternal Existence.”
—Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, “Man’s Eternal Quest”

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Note Book!

Lurch Spirooli is a must have! source: amazon.co.uk

Blender: 1st choice Green Warring Pro

Treats: People Tree Goody Bay

Essentials: Pedometer, journals for goals etc., essential oils(grapefuit, orange, etc.) Jojoba oil, boots, blazer, pjs

Raw Chocolate Bliss!

Enjoyed and appreciated a substantial bowl of raw oat groats, prunes, cardamon, raw cacao powder and almond milk. Packed-full of antioxidants and brain-inducing neurotransmitters(as well as Mg for a healthy nervous system and skin-boosting sulphur:)that really boost your mood and well being. I've observed prior to commencing asanas raw cacao gives yoginis a flexible edge that can only enhance our daily practice to a deeper level. What more could you ask for? For a good online deal go to funkyraw.com(raw Cacao pwd from £9.97 for 500g:0). If you think the cook and processed dark raw chocolate is good you just wait to you try this, your healthy palate is in for a healthy treat! It's so versatile too. Great in your power smoothies to the morning to the most decadent celebration cake / treat / dessert.

Raw cacao, also known as raw chocolate or cocoa, is an increasingly popular healthy alternative to regular chocolate. It is an appetite suppressant so it can help in losing weight. It makes you feel good too since it’s a natural anti-depressant. Raw chocolate is also great in raw puddings and makes a satisfying snack.

It's down to the perfection of extraction of this most antioxidant-rich, most PURE and ridiculously great-tasting 100% Raw Cacao Powder...

This super delicious Cacao Powder, produced to ecological standards (totally free from agro chemicals) is created by freshly cold-pressing Cacao Beans into a cake which then separates the oil from the protein and fibre. The temperature is never allowed to exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit and is usually 104 degrees F (all other cocoa powders are exposed to temperatures as high as 300 degrees Fahrenheit!), with a high-accuracy thermometer monitoring the process. Slowly, the pure, liquid cacao butter begins to sift off down a stainless steel valve and the remaining dry 'cake-like' material is then cold-ground, fine-milled and sifted so that only the finest, most bio-available raw cacao particles filter through into the finished product. This allows for maximum digestion and antioxidant absorption!

ORAC and more…

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is a rating scale the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has developed: a high-tech way of measuring the ability of antioxidants to absorb cell damaging, wrinkle causing, tissue destructive free radicals.

It has been revealed that 25,200 ORAC units of Antioxidant power can be found in a single spoonful of Raw Chocolate Powder! This is approximately 955 ORAC units per gram.

This is much higher than most foods. In fact, it has been claimed that Raw Chocolate Powder has about 723% more (or about 7 times more) antioxidants gram-per-gram than typical dark chocolate, which is supposedly the bench mark for ‘healthy’ chocolate in ‘cooked’ terms, and isn’t even nutritionally usable and beneficial in the long term to humans. While everyone else is singing the praise of dark chocolate - Raw Chocolate is way beyond that.

In Raw Chocolate Powder, much of the oil is removed, while nearly all of the active nutrients remain. For example...

The amino acid Tryptophan is found naturally in cacao, which enhances relaxation and promotes better sleep.

Researchers have discovered that phenylethylamine (PEA) has a positive effect in enhancing feelings of love and Chocolate has been proven to be an excellent source of PEA.

Raw Chocolate is the richest food source of magnesium of any common food. Magnesium is the number one mineral that assists and supports healthy heart functioning.

Raw Chocolate Powder has a high level of Arginine, the aphrodisiac-like amino acid believed by body builders to build muscle and aid in recovery.


Add cacao powder to all your favourite smoothies, desserts, protein drinks, nut milks or anything else you can think of. Just one or two spoonfuls can transform any recipe into a healthy chocolate treat. It even goes great on top of fresh fruit!

Have you noticed the transformation of the lovely Kelly Osborne recently? I think she has blossomed into a very beautiful young woman(go Kelly:)! She now has the tiniest of waists!

Friday, 10 September 2010

September 10th Effort

September 10th Effort

You should make a greater effort. Forget the past and trust more in God. Our fate is not predestined by Him; nor is karma the sole factor, though our lives are influenced by our past thoughts and past activities. If you are not happy with the way life is turning out, change the pattern. I don’t like to hear people sigh and ascribe present failure to past-life errors; to do so is spiritual laziness. Get busy and weed the garden of your life.

'Each miniute of life should be a Divine quest'

Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, “Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda”

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Healthy Muffins!

Ingredients (for 6 muffins):

Half a Butternut squash (there’s a vegetable in my muffins!!)
100g Brown Rice flour
150ml Soy milk
0.5tsp Bicarbonate of soda
1 Egg white
Grated Lemon rind (of 1 lemon)
1 tsp Lemon juice
1 tsp Vanilla extract

Monday, 6 September 2010

Gotta admit she's looking-good on it(Inspirational:)!

Dr Enid Taylor, 54, is a naturopath and lives in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, with second husband Glen, 56, a colon hydrotherapist. enid has three children, aged 27, 33, and 35, from her first marriage.

Height - 5ft 6in

Dress - 10 to 12
Weight - 9st 9lb
People constantly mistake me for being about ten years younger because I've got a good figure.
I put it down to a raw food diet and colonic irrigation every three week - where the bowel is flushed out to cleanse the system - at a cost of £75 per treatment. I don't have a gym membership and I don't do any exercise, although we have a treadmill at home and I spend a lot of time gardening.
After having my third child I went up to a size 16, in spite of the fact I'd alway
been fairly healthy, eating muesli for breakfast and cooking meals - such as shepherd's pie and beef bourguignon - from scratch.
But in 1997, I changed my diet, cutting out wheat and dairy initially. I slimmed right down and felt 15 years younger immediately.
That was until I hit the menopause in my late 40s and gained about 20lb that I just couldn't shift. I tried a slimming club for six months, but I didn't like it. Then I discovered the raw food diet and the weight fell off. Eating a raw diet gives me a feeling of both energy and calmness. I follow it for about eight months of the year.
During winter, I tend to succumb to things like roasted vegetables, and if we go to someone's house for dinner, I always eat what they've made because a day off doesn't do any harm.
Ordinarily I start my day drinking what I call 'Shrek' juice because it's bright green like the ogre. It's made of spinach or kale, with cucumber, celery, lemon, lime and apple. Lunch is crackers with avocado or hummus, and dinner is a salad with a delicious olive-oil dressing.
Colonic irrigation costs around £75 a time, cleans out my system and has cured me of constipation. It keeps my stomach flat and gives me a bounce in my step. It's not enough to look good for my age - I want to feel good, too.
Raw food might sound extreme and my family think I'm a crank, but it makes perfect sense to me to live off the land rather than destroy the valuable vitamins and enzymes in food through cooking.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1309347/How-YOU-pay-great-body-One-blew-11-000-surgery-relies-walks-park-Look-women-decide.html#ixzz0ykkwAArg

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Life Essential's: Water H2O!

As a dermatologist, pharmacist and researcher, I have always rooted my practice
in the idea that skin care can lead to overall health.
The skin, after all, is a microcosm of the entire body – it reflects what is going on inside.
The key to vibrant health from the inside out lies in maintaining strong cells that can retain water the way younger cells do.

If you can repair your cells’ membranes (from brain cells and heart cells to connective tissue and your outermost skin cells) while attracting water and nutrients to them, you can fight ageing and disease.
The future is organge: The water contained in carrots is surrounded by molecules that help it seep into cells easily, which slows down the ageing process
You can help your body to heal and rejuvenate itself, so you not only look fantastic but you also feel healthier and revitalised.
Most people I know accept signs of ageing such as weight gain, fatigue and familial patterns of disease as inevitable. The truth: upwards of 80 per cent of longevity is attributed to lifestyle, not genes.
WHY YOU’RE ONLY HALF WATERContrary to popular belief, you are not 75 to 80 per cent water. You were once – when you were fresh from your mother’s womb. But now you’re closer to 50 per cent water.
Since those early years, internal and external factors have damaged your cells and weakened their ability to retain water. This explains the signs of ageing that
probably emerged in your early 30s: your skin began to become drier, sleep
patterns changed, digestion slowed and your energy wavered.
WASTE WATER AND WELLNESS WATERThere are two types of water in your body – wellness water inside your cells, and waste water floating between your cells, the kind that will age you and make you feel fat and sluggish.
Puffy eyes, swollen ankles and a bloated stomach are all signs that the body is not
handling water efficiently. This damage can occur anywhere, including in the blood vessels, heart, skin and liver. Wellness water sustains cellular activity and allows you to remain healthy.
SO NOT ALL WATER IS EQUAL?Why is water from a berry better than plain water? The water in fruits and vegetables
is surrounded by molecules that help it get into cells easily. For this reason, I encourage patients to eat – not drink – water.
Fruit and vegetables are rich in healing antioxidants. They also contain trace
minerals and B vitamins your body uses to metabolise carbohydrates, fat and protein.

EAT TO KEEP HYDRATEDIt’s easy to get 2.5 litres of water a day without drinking copious amounts of water.

Almost all food has some water in it, but natural whole foods have the most. Colourful fruits and vegetables concentrate their water with nutrients – this is the best form of water for you, because it stays in your system long enough for you to put it to good use.
THE WATER TABLE● Watermelon, cucumbers, 97 per cent wate
● Tomatoes, 95 per cent
● Aubergine, 92 per cent
● Peaches, 87 per cent
● Carrots, 88 per cent
● Wholewheat bread, 33 per cent
● Cooked kidney beans, 77 per cent
● Roast chicken breast, 65 per cent
● Baked salmon, 62 per cent

● Cheddar and blue cheese, 40 per cent

GO RAWBoiling vegetables breaks down their cell membranes and allows water to leak out
from cells. This is why vegetables weigh less after being boiled and why I recommend eating as many raw vegetables as possible.
Most people get about 70 per cent of their calories from animal products, processed
food and junk food. Only about 30 per cent of their calories come from plants. Nearly
everyone in nutritional science believes that these percentages should be reversed.
MY CELLULAR WATER SECRET SMOOTHIE½ cup of pomegranate juice (unsweetened)
½ cup soy, non-fat milk
½ cup of blueberries (fresh or unsweetened frozen)
1 tablespoon lecithin granules
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
2 tablespoons of dried goji berries
3-4 ice cubes or crushed ice (optional)
Combine all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Every ingredient in this antiageing power smoothie contains the key nutrients and phytochemicals to optimise the water content in cells and strengthen connective tissue.
Amino acids, to encourage the formation of collagen and elastin tissue, are in the soy
milk. Lecithin maintains cell membranes. Antioxidants in the pomegranate juice,
blueberries and goji berries protect against free radical damage to cell walls.
Essential fatty acids in the flaxseed lock moisture into the cell. Anti-inflammatory
compounds in the ingredients of this smoothie soothe skin irritation.
This drink helps increase the water content of cells, reduce wrinkles and increase skin elasticity.
FAT FILEFat tissue is about 10-20 per cent water, while lean tissue (which includes muscle, bone and water outside muscles) averages 70-75 per cent water.
Because muscle is much heavier due to the water, those who gain muscle mass and
lose fat may not see the numbers tick down so fast on the scales, but their clothes
become much looser.
● www.murad.co.uk. The Water Secret, by Dr Howard Murad, is published by Wiley, priced £12.99. To order your copy at the special price of £10.49 with free p&p, call the Review Bookstore on 0845 155 0713 or visit MailLife.co.uk/Books

What is the water secret?When our cells are not fully hydrated they deteriorate and cannot function at their peak level. This leads to the tissue damage we refer to as ageing.
And as we age, we naturally lose water. It’s this water loss that makes it harder for our bodies to heal, to defend against invading bacteria and pathogens and keep the effects of hormonal imbalance in check.
But here’s the catch. You can’t just drink to replenish.
Healing power: Retaining water in our cells is vital
Many people believe drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day is the answer to hydration.
The Water Secret is not just about drinking water, it is about getting it into the cells and connective tissue and keeping it there so that every cell functions at full capacity.
If we want to make cell membranes stronger, encourage connective tissue regeneration and keep the immune response intact, we have to flood the body with nutrients.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Wise Words!

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviours. Keep your behaviours positive because your behaviours become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. " Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, 30 August 2010

August 30th!

August 30 Meditation

The more sweetening you put in water, the sweeter it becomes. Likewise, the longer you meditate intensely, the greater will be your spiritual advancement.--Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons

Thought of the Day!

One purpose in discovering your own personality is to know how you affect others.
Consciously, or unconsciously, people feel your personality, and their reaction is a clue."
- Paramhansa Yogananda

Thursday, 26 August 2010

A Mother's Love Prevails(Lovely , heart-warming story:)!

Miracle mum brings premature baby son back to life with two hours of loving cuddles after doctors pronounce him dead By Mail Foreign Service

She cradled baby after being told to 'say her goodbyes'
An Australian mother has told how her touch brought her 'dead' baby back to life.
Doctors gave tiny Jamie Ogg no chance of survival when he was born prematurely at 27 weeks weighing just 2lb.
His twin sister Emily had survived but after battling for 20 minutes to get him to breathe Jamie was declared dead.
He was then handed to his mother Kate so she and her partner David could grieve and say their goodbyes.
Awful moment: Kate and David clasp each other and their son Jamie, circled, after being told he did not survive the birth. They were given the child to say their goodbyes but then, miraculously, two hours later he began to show signs of life

Signs of life: A smiling Kate holds Jamie after it becomes clear that her son is going to survive
'Kangaroo care' is a technique which is being promoted at an increasing number of hospitals in this country, and is based on skin-to-skin contact between a newborn and a parent or even siblings. The idea behind the technique - which takes its name after the way kangaroos hold their young in a pouch next to their bodies - is that the mothers became a human incubator, keeping the baby warm, stimulated and fed. Pre-term and low birth-weight babies treated this way have also been shown to have lower infection rates, less severe illness, improved sleep patterns and are at reduced risk of hypothermia.
But after two hours of being spoken to, touched cuddled and held by his mother he miraculously began showing signs of life.
Then after being given breast milk on his mother's finger, he began breathing regularly.
Kate, who gave birth after a three-hour labour in March, has spoken of how vital 'skin-on-skin' care can be for a sick baby, or 'kangaroo touch' as it is known in Australia. 'Skin-on-skin' care is when the child is laid on the mother.
Normally, premature babies are sent to intensive care and she was only given her son to hold because he was thought to have died.
Telling how the drama unfolded at a hospital in Sydney, she said: 'The doctor asked me after the birth had we chosen a name for our son.
'I said, "Jamie", and he turned around with my son already wrapped up and said, "We've lost Jamie, he didn't make it, sorry."
'It was the worse feeling I've ever felt. I unwrapped Jamie from his blanket.
'He was very limp. His little arms and legs were just falling down away from his body.
Proud mum: Kate with son Jamie when they appeared on Australian TVl. The boy was born prematurely with twin sister Emily at 27 weeks

Sweet slumber: Five-month-old Jamie sleeps in his mother's arms as she gives an account of his remarkable survival
'I took my gown off and arranged him on my chest with his head over my arm and just held him.
'He started gasping more and more regularly. I thought, "Oh my God, what's going on?" A short time later he opened his eyes. It was a miracle'
'He wasn't moving at all and we just started talking to him. We told him what his name was and that he had a sister.
'We told him the things we wanted to do with him throughout his life.'
Jamie occasionally gasped for air, which doctors said was a reflex action.
She added: 'After just five minutes I felt him move as if he were startled, then he started gasping more and more regularly.
'I thought, "Oh my God, what's going on?" A short time later he opened his eyes. It was a miracle.
'I told my mum, who was there, that he was still alive. Then he held out his hand and grabbed my finger.
'He opened his eyes and moved his head from side to side.'
All smiles: It was after Kate gave her son some of her breast milk on her finger that he began breathing regularly
She said they passed on a message to their doctor insisting Jamie was showing signs of life, but he sent back a midwife with the reply that they were just natural reflexes and that there was no possible way he could still be alive.
Kate then said to her husband, 'What if he lives?'
She added: 'I was like, "We could be the luckiest parents in the world".
'I gave Jamie some breast milk on my finger, he took it and started regular breathing.
'At that point the doctor came back. He got a stethoscope, listened to Jamie's chest and just kept shaking his head.
'He said, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it".'
David, speaking to the Australian TV show Today Tonight, said: 'Luckily, I've got a very strong, very smart wife.
'She instinctively did what she did. If she hadn't have done that, then Jamie probably wouldn't be here.'
The doctor who delivered Jamie refused to be interviewed for the TV show

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1306283/Miracle-premature-baby-declared-dead-doctors-revived-mothers-touch.html#ixzz0xiOwmFAu

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

I told you so(I am a typicaleternal, maternal crab / boar combo after all:)!

Here's something that was published today in the UK's Daily Mail that this maternal home-maker has known all her life(Infenite Intelligence:).

They may have barely mastered sitting up by themselves.

But six-month-old babies become stressed out when they don't get the attention they feel they deserve.

Levels of the stress hormone cortisol soar when they are ignored by their mother, and even a day later they are worried about the same thing happening again.

A baby who is deprived of its mother's love for just two minutes is anxious about being ignored again the next day, a study found.
Experts in child development said that repeated episodes of stress could have a huge effect on a youngster's health and on his or her course in life.

To investigate whether six-month-olds are capable of anticipating trouble, the Canadian researchers invited 30 mothers and babies into their laboratory and divided them into two groups.

Babies were placed in car seats and their mothers played with them and talked to them as normal.

The play was then interspersed with two-minute periods in which the mother simply stared over her child's head, keeping her face free of emotion.

The next day, she took her child back to the laboratory. Levels of cortisol were measured several times on both days. Amounts of cortisol shot up when the babies were ignored.

They then fell off, before rising again when the youngsters were taken back into the laboratory, despite them not being ignored on the second day.

More...How aspirin during pregnancy could prevent pre-eclampsia
Egg donors could be paid thousands - but will rule change encourage a 'dash for cash'?

A second group of babies went through the same process, but without being ignored at any time, and their hormone levels barely changed.

The findings suggest that being taken back into the laboratory led the youngsters who had been ignored to anticipate there being more trouble ahead, the journal Biology Letters reports.

Researcher Dr David Haley, of the University of Toronto, said: 'The results suggest that human infants have the capacity to produce an anticipatory stress response that is based on expectations about how their parents will treat them in a specific context.'

Professor Jay Belsky, of Birbeck College, University of London, said factors such as depression could affect a mother's relationship with her baby and send cortisol levels soaring time and time again.

This could lower a baby's immune system, while a troubled upbringing may also mean the child going on to become a less than perfect parent itself.

It's babywearing, baby massage and co-sleeping ie constant undivided stimulation for sure!

Sunday, 22 August 2010

A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips!

Oh dear! Putting on four stone in the first pregnancy was probaly helped by eating box's of chocolate rolls. Let alone not being active and sleeping in front of the televison. Second time around, it is not rocket science to know that a pregnancy shows quicker due to the body already being stretched. It is like a yo-yo dieter. Once you have put on weight is goes on much quicker second and susequent times. Eating LOTS of fruit and veg are still calories going into your body and you are NOT eating for two, a myth.
Some people are naturally slim and will as you say slip into their clothes almost immediately, you are abviously not one of them. You were probaly still over eating, healthy foods or not.
Nice are only pointing out the health isssues with over eating and the complications that could happen as a result.
Blocking half the country would not be something I would be proud of. Grow up.

Friday, 20 August 2010

August 20th

August 20th Meditation

By meditation we connect the little joy of the soul with the vast joy of the Spirit. Meditation should not be confused with ordinary concentration. Concentration consists in freeing the attention from distractions and in focusing it on any thought in which one may be interested. Meditation is that special form of concentration in which the attention has been liberated from restlessness and is focused on God. Meditation, therefore, is concentration used to know God. --Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons

© 1968,1982 Self-Realization Fellowship - All Rights Reserved

Greens For Life!

Green leafy vegetables 'cut diabetes risk'

Eating greens every day such as broccoli, kale, spinach, sprouts and cabbage can reduce your risk of developing the condition by 14 per cent.

The vegetables are rich in antioxidants and magnesium, which has been linked to lower levels of diabetes.
Regularly tucking into salads including greens like spinach could help reduce your diabetes risk, according to a new study
Experts from the University of Leicester examined six studies and compared people's intake of green leafy vegetables.

They found those who consumed more than one serving a day had a lower risk of diabetes than people who barely ate any.

They concluded that eating certain foods could have a protective effect but studies on vitamin supplements had proved 'disappointing'.

The review failed to find any significant benefit from increasing consumption of vegetables in general, fruit, or fruit and vegetables combined.

Nevertheless, the researchers said other studies have shown 'fruit and vegetables are important components of the dietary patterns associated with a decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes' and they contributed to a lower risk of heart disease.

The current UK recommendation is for people to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, with one portion weighing 80g.
The latest study included more than 223,000 people and was published online in the British Medical Journal.

The researchers concluded: 'The results support the growing body of evidence that lifestyle modification is an important factor in the prevention of Type 2 diabetes.

'The potential for tailored advice on increasing intake of green leafy vegetables to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes should be investigated further.'

Dr Iain Frame, director of research at Diabetes UK, said: 'We already know that the health benefits of eating vegetables are far-reaching but this is the first time that there has been a suggested link specifically between green, leafy vegetables and a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

'However, because of the relatively limited number of studies collated in this analysis, it is too early to isolate green leafy vegetables and present them alone as a method to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
'Diabetes is a serious condition that can lead to devastating complications such as amputation, heart disease and stroke if untreated.'

There are 2.35 million people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in the UK. Up to half a million people also have the condition but do not know it.
Diabetes UK is currently funding research into whether fermentable carbohydrates found in foods such as asparagus, garlic, chicory and Jerusalem artichokes could help weight loss and prevent Type 2 diabetes.

It is thought the carbohydrates cause the release of gut hormones which reduce appetite and enhance insulin sensitivity, thereby leading to improved blood glucose control and weight loss.

The research is being led by dietician Nicola Guess at Imperial College, London.
She said: 'By investigating how appetite and blood glucose levels are regulated in people at high risk of Type 2 diabetes, it is hoped that we can find a way to prevent its onset.
'If successful, this study will be able to determine whether fermentable carbohydrates could provide the public with an effective and affordable health intervention to reduce an individual's risk of developing diabetes.'

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Ebay Bargains!

If you're savvy you can really sort out the wheat from the chaff and spot some incredible steals and brilliant bargains online!

I won a *large brand-new woven boat bag(with zip) with a Turquoise and pink flower and stripe design motif for 99P. I was also fortunate to spot a Whistles(Favourite haunt from my youth that I can no longer afford:)Golden-beige silk / cotton jacket for another mere 0.99 pennies.

* made my day!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Thought of the Day!

"As long as you're giving, you will be receiving."

- Deepak Chopra

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Worth Remembering(Thanks Mo:)!

If I’m feeling low, I allow myself to wallow … for preciously 24 hours. Then I force myself to do something proactive, and break the cycle. Minor depressive slumps are part of the human experience, and people shouldn’t feel “bad” or “lazy” when they’re having a low-energy day. But you don’t want to let it drag on too long … because your brain is a bio-feedback machine, and it can get hooked on the current mode of operation.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Peaches and Greens!

I appreciated some lovely tiny(yet ULTRA DELICOUS:)fresh peaches followed by some addictive organic green leaves(Cavelo Nero)from Langridge Farm in Crediton(A Mandala Organic Grower's Partner:0)

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Yogic Solutions for High Blood Pressure!

Inverted Yoga

Inverted yoga reverses the action of gravity on the body. The most profound changes brought about by Inverted Yoga is in circulation. In inverted poses, legs and abdomen are placed higher than the heart.

Lengthening up through the legs and keep them very active so your spine opens and the entire body actively involved in the pose.

One of the reasons for this is simply because the force of gravity is reversed and venous return becomes significantly greater.

Normally, the muscles of the calf and other skeletal muscles in the lower extremities must contract in order to pump unoxygenated blood and waste back to the heart through the veins.

In inverted poses, gravity causes the blood to flow easily back through the veins and this brings the blood pressure in the feet to a minimum. This in effect gives skeletal muscles a chance to rest.

In inverted poses, drainage of blood and waste from the lower body back to the heart is increased and disorders such as varicose veins and swollen ankles are relieved.

Rhythmic Breathing

It's time to learn about breathing, because inhaling and exhaling has the power to nourish the body and calm the mind.

Not just any old breathing will do. If you're like most people, you take shallow breaths, pull in your stomach when you inhale and never empty your lungs of carbon dioxide when you exhale.

Here's the physiological explanation: Long, slow breaths are more efficient than short, fast ones.

To take in a good breath, your lungs must first be basically empty. Thus the key to efficient breathing lies in exhaling completely. A full exhalation begins with the upper chest, proceeds to the middle chest and finishes with tightening the abdominal muscles.

Only after a good exhalation can you draw in a good lungful of the oxygen-rich air your blood needs for nourishing cells.

These two yoga techniques can help naturally lower high blood pressure. If you're already using blood pressure medication, be sure that your doctor monitors your progress. After you've been practicing these techniques for awhile, your doctor may need to reduce your dosage of medication.

Raw Chocolate Bliss!

As you may be aware I'm not all hemp and Hessian and thus I too love to indulge in the finer things in life! I've been appreciating some yummy raw Cacao confectionery most recently and therefore feel obliged to share these delightful discoveries with y'all.

What am I?
‘Cacao Kapow’ is a sugar free, dairy free, raw cacao bar. Made from the same plant that brings you chocolate, but unlike chocolate, this bar maintains all the nutritional qualities of the most complex plant on earth, the amazing Cacao plant.

What’s in me?
‘Cacao Kapow’ is a raw living food; gentle processing of ingredients never reaches temperatures above 42 degrees to ensure the nutritional qualities are maintained.

All the ingredients we use are either certified organic or are wild-crafted, free from agrochemicals and pesticides. All the ingredients listed below are ethically and sustainably sourced.

• Cold Pressed Virgin Cacao Oil/Butter.
Cacao butter won't raise your cholesterol levels like other fats, is less likely to cause weight gain compared to refined or hydrogenated oils, and also provides essential fatty acids.

• Creative Nature’s Award Winning Organic Cacao Nibs.
Contain more than 300 nutritional compounds, antioxidants, essential minerals and feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin.

• Xylitol (Birch Tree Sugar)

Despite its chemical sounding name, Xylitol is in fact a completely naturally occurring sweetner found in many fruits, particularly strawberries. The name Xylitol is derived from the Latin for ‘from wood’ as in Xylophone (a wooden instrument).

It has approximately half the calories of sugar and is safe for both diabetics and individuals with hyperglycaemia.

• Rice Powder

• Algarroba (South American variety of Carob) renowned for its soothing effect on the digestive system as well as a high mineral content.

• And a pinch of Ground vanilla pod

What can I be used for?
‘Cacao Kapow’ can be used in the same way you would use a chocolate bar, to be enjoyed wherever and whenever the mood takes you!

How much of me should you take?

Unlike synthetic chocolate, where you will often eat a whole bar and still crave more, many people report that 4 or 5 squares of ‘Cacao Kapow’ is normally enough to satisfy ones needs. This is because ‘Cacao Kapow’ doesn’t contain synthetic sugar which unbalances blood sugar levels causing a dip and therefore a craving for more.
It is also likely that the live enzymes contained in raw food which enhance digestion help the body to feel satisfied more quickly.
Having said that, for true ‘Kapowaholics’ one bar is never enough!! There’s nothing bad in ‘Cacao Kapow’ so you can eat it till the Ca-Cows come home!!

None reported. (Not suitable for animals)

This is raw confectionery at it's very best and a pure delight to eat, so decadent, luxurious and the meltingly-smooth mouth feel of a standard(not so virtuous or healthy chocolate bar)chocolate bar. The taste is sublimely-perfect(Not cloyingly-sickly sweet as conventional choccie can be:). Go on treat yourself today!

Other good bars that are worth a mention are:

* Om Bars: Probotic Coconut and Acai and Blueberry(ORAC224/g)- I've yet to try the Probotic Strawberry

* Vanoffie Lovingly-created by the Raw Chocolate Company in Sussex!

Enjoyed a delicious brunch-breakfast of buckwheat, fresh blueberries and OmBar: Acai and Blueberry raw chocolate:0)

Happy Eating!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Essentials: Sleep!

Now there's an excuse: Scientists find a weekend lie-in can be good for your health
By David Derbyshire
Last updated at 2:57 PM on 1st August 2010
Comments (0) Add to My Stories

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1299386/Now-theres-excuse-Scientists-weekend-lie-good-health.html#ixzz0vMxdR7bD

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

July 28th

July 28th Practicing the Presence of God

Pray to Him, "Lord, You are the Master of creation, so I come to You. I will never give up until You talk to me and make me realize Your presence. I will not live without You." --Paramahansa Yogananda, "Man's Eternal Quest"

Appreciated a yummy concoction of raw buckwheat, fresh peaches and banana with the fragrance of cardamon!

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Sunny Daze!


In Vedic philosophy, the goddess Lakshmi represents abundance, both in love and in wealth. Lakshmi is often pictured in bright pink and gold garb, seated upon a lotus flower. The lotus represents spiritual perfection. While Lakshmi is seated upon the lotus she represents transcendence. She can create great fortune, and yet she is detached from the material world. Another symbol we can use to remind us of Lakshmi, and bring her energy into our lives, is the elephant. Lakshmi is often seen surrounded by elephants bearing gifts. The elephant is strong, but also agile. It can pick up a log with its large trunk, but it can also pick up a peanut with the finger-like ends of its trunk. Thus, it is discerning, which is a very spiritual attribute.

I was fortunate to be gifted with some Ayurvedic Black Tooth Powder from India and WOW, what can I say! it's delightful that is a dream to use. It instantly cleans and refreshes the palate, giving the gums and teeth a sparkly-clean shiny mouth. I love it(Thank-you V:)!

Appreciated a yummy brekkie of raw buckwheat, apples and cinnamon!

Monday, 26 July 2010

Quest to be Greener, ecologically!

It's official I'm no longer a Ebay virgin! I purchased a lovely handwoven S. Asian styled short-sleeved, People Tree Nepalese-crafted shirt from a lovely seller in Olympia, Washington in good ole USA! It's a really lovely shirt that's been made with love(It's nice knowing that talented artisans(hand weavers etc.) have not been exploited in any way.

Did you know that one hand loom saves a tonne of CO2 a year. In India, the textile or 'Khadi' (sp) industry is still the second biggest trade after agriculture?

My aim is consume less overall and if I do purchase essential stuff it will be from a resourceful source that's kind to people and planet ie freecycle, ebay, thrift shops etc. I draw the line with second-hand under garments thought!

Monday, 19 July 2010

Weaning Too!

Appreciated another simple scrumptious combo of raw sweet apples, *raw almond butter and cinnamon!

* Be sure that your almond butter is raw as the roasted and salted type doesn't taste too great(I appreciated Shazzie's, DYW's, raw, white almond butter). Better still make it yourself with a Champion!

Sunday, 18 July 2010


Enjoyed and appreciated a surprisingly-yummy concoction of raw beets, raw sweet potato, raw carob and a spoonful of creamy almond butter. I would quite happy to give my offspring this!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Ebooks Giveaway!

For a chance to win a set of Kristen's ebooks go here blog now! www.kristenraw.blogspot.com

Friday, 9 July 2010


For any parents-to-be who are about to bring children into this ever-increasingly polluted world. Do watch the short video via the website!


Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Super, Eco-delicious, Brown Lentil Sprouts!

Lentil sprouts pack a punch of powerhouse of nutrients that delivers quality nourishment in a ecolicious, convenient form!

Lentil sprouts are so easy to make and are so good for you! Lentil sprouts contain Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, B15, B17, C, K, choline, folic acid, inositol, PABA Minerals: boron, calcium, chlorine, copper, iron, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, sulphur, zinc The amounts are loosely given. I love them over salads, but are good snacks on their own. Cook time is sprouting time.

As a long-term naturalist and natural health enthusiast I've been sprouting on and off for years. My favourite sprouts include: sunflower, buckwheat, mung bean, chia, and now brown lentil(Not too keen on the green thought).

To the brown lentil sprouts I dressed it with:

*Chilli powder

*Fresh garlic

*Pink salt

*Fresh lime juice

*Extra Virgin Olive oil

to this one added a couple of red / yellow / orange bell pepper and serve it with some crisp organic cucumber or any healthy salad!

Sprouting Tip!

Never get the sprouted tails(white)bigger then the lentil itself(once lentils have sprouted ie with white tails refrigerate for freshness.

So quick, so easy and fast-food at it's very best!

Love this!

Monday, 5 July 2010

Luscious, lemony delight!

Appreciated a rather healthy and scrummy concoction(raw vegan cereal:) of sprouted buckwheat, ripe bananas and the juice of 1 lemon. This was especially sublime as this was a experiential dish full of bioflavonoids, amino acids, calcium, rutin, b vitamins, vitamin c and would make an ideal healthy fuel start for all the family(I'm sure growing children would appreciate this:). I was soo exited that I had to share this yummy recipe with ya all!


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Happy Birthday Diana!

Happy Birthday Diana!

Today would of been Princess Diana's 49th birthday! I feel humbled that we are both fellow watery, astrological sign, early Cancer(we're early crabs:)I still cannot comprehend that she's left her earthly body so soon. This is a tribute on how one would like to remember her; the lovingly-devoted mother and compassionate soul that she was.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I am Blessed!

I am Blessed!

I appreciated a scrummy kale salad(I adore kale and determined to grow it in my garden forest when circumstances allow:) with the most deliciously-juicy sweet cherry tomatoes on the vine, garlic, pink salt, lime juice, rocket, red bell pepper, chili and olive oil dressing. It has to be one's favourite balanced meal in the Universe!

Raw Power!

The beauty of raw food

One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your skin is by incorporating raw food into your diet. By eating raw nutritionally-rich foods you can feed your skin with many of the nutrients contained in beauty products, such as enzymes, vitamin E, phytochemicals, antioxidants and coenzyme Q10. But unlike beauty products, these feed the entire body and skin from the inside out. Perhaps beauty really is on the inside after all.

Heating food above 41°C destroys the enzymes as well as up to 50 per cent of the protein and 70–90 per cent of the vitamins and minerals. Eating enzyme-rich raw foods decreases the amount of digestive enzymes your body has to produce. A drained enzyme supply can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, premature ageing and low energy.

Raw foods high in enzymes include bean sprouts, papaya and pineapple, but all fresh fruits and vegetables contain them.

Free radicals damage your skin and interfere with collagen production, causing premature ageing. Antioxidants contained in food counteract free radicals. Berries, especially blueberries, are potent antioxidants that promote collagen, which reduces wrinkles. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit help rid the body of free radicals, keeping the skin looking young. Foods high in the antioxidant beta carotene, including carrots and apricots, protect the skin against sun damage.

Coenzyme Q10 is a potent antioxidant that can destroy free radicals, to slow ageing and aid the body’s energy processes. CoQ10 is present in every cell in the body, but levels diminish with age. CoQ10-rich foods include spinach, broccoli and peanuts.

Antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid has a similar function to CoQ10, but also boosts the strength of other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Alpha-lipoic acid can be found in spinach, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, tomatoes and peas.

Sulphur is a mineral present in every cell in your body and is needed in collagen production and for healthy skin, hair, nails and joints. It is also known to help improve skin conditions such as acne. Organic sulphur levels in food are lost when processed, heated or dried. Sulphur-rich foods include asparagus, broccoli, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, red pepper, garlic, onion, watercress and kale.

Silicone is an essential trace mineral needed for healthy skin, hair, nails and bones, but levels in the body decrease with age. Fruits and vegetables are the richest source of silicone. Good sources include apples, oranges, cherries, grapes, strawberries, beetroot, cucumber, carrots and green leafy vegetables.

Phytochemicals are found in plants and help the body defend against damage. They are also said to have anti-ageing properties. Phytochemicals can be found in berries, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, spinach, carrots, cocoa and bell pepper.

Raw nuts and seeds are high in vitamin E, which is especially beneficial to the skin. Olives, papaya and greens are also good sources of vitamin E. Selenium keeps the skin elastic and can be found in garlic, onions and shallots.

Eating raw foods also helps the body eliminate toxins, which can negatively affect skin health and vitality. Your body’s largest toxin elimination system is your digestive tract, which functions efficiently when supplied with healthy raw foods. Adding vitamin and mineral-rich sea vegetables to your diet can also help to get rid of toxins, as will drinking plenty of filtered water.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Positive News!

Inspired by this month's Yoga and Health magazine, one took advantage of the glorious sunny weather we've been blessed with lately, here in Blighty and took myself to the local park to for some restorative healing in the form of the Tibetan Rites and ancient asanas. I got over one's self-consciousness and just got on with it!

Just like to share with you a inspiring corporate business story that one read in the UK press recently(I loved it soo much I had to share with you all:):

Grocer's Organic Rooftop Allotment

'A London supermarket is sourcing organic vegetables - from it's roof. Lettuce, Curly Kale, Beets and Tomatoes are sprouting at Budgens in the Broadway, Crouch End, in what is believed to be the first supermarket garden. Food in the Sky was devised by store owner Andrew Thornton and designer Azul-Valerie Thome'.

Source: ES June 2010

It was soo refreshing to read that supermarket employees can really make a difference to the community(Good work, Guys:)and may this be a start of many supermarket / corporate rooftop gardens!

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Hemp Power!

Why Hemp?

The humble hemp seed is the most sustainable crop on earth! It's versatility is just mind-blowing! Unlike cotton production which poisons agriculture workers, uses up resources and contaminates water supplies, hemp grows abundantly without the use of fertilises and vast amounts of water.

*As a food it's a complete protein source as well as being a powerhouse of omega 3 essential fatty acids(essential for a healthy brain and heart:). These good fats help you to release excess weight unlike the undesirable trans fats in processed foods.

* As a clean fuel source unlike fossil fuels(oils, coal, tar etc.) that pollute and contaminate land and rivers significantly contributing to global warming and the mess we're in now.

* Hemp makes an excellent and durable fabric for clothes(bags, diapers etc.) and has far superior tensell strengh to cotton and repels more ultra violet rays then any other fabric.

*Hemp makes excellent ethical, skincare preparations(moisturizers etc.) it must be down to all the nourishing omega 3 essential fatty acids(I especially love the UK-made Yeoh brand:)

* Hemp makes a ethically-sourced paper unlike tree paper!

*The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was a disaster waiting to happen Oil is far from ethical and ultimate kills many lives on land and sea. People go to war over oil, fueling the ego and greed mentality. It plays a huge contribution to the deforestation of the rainforests(whether for animal production, industry or paper production) is wide-spread pollution and environmental degradation on a global scale. We can't plant enough trees, they're our lifeblood! I'm scared for our children's future. Ultimately, all this is down to is unnecessary irresponsible human behaviour. Time to mend our ways perhaps?

* Reuse, Recycle, Reduce

* Eat and wear Hemp(Go vegan, eat a plant-based high-water fueled diet:)!

* Pratise Yoga / Meditation

Friday, 25 June 2010

Sunny Daze!

I appreciated a lovely, light and hydrating breakfast of organic cucumbers, Granny Smith / green apple and fresh strawberries making us feel wonderfully-light and energetically-vibrant like a child!

Eating high-water foods will change your life. Your eyes will sparkle, your skin will clear, your elimination will be easy, in fact, most everything will change, including how many times a day you need to go pee! :)
That's okay! Getting to know the nearest bathrooms is not always a bad thing.

If you are already a intuitive eater, then you are probably ahead of the pack in this area provided you are avoiding salt that will cause us to retain water. Salt (sodium chloride) is a poison that the body needs to dilute with retaining water to keep it away from the delicate tissues of the body.

We need natural sodium found in coconuts, celery, greens and some melons to keep us hydrated. Normal Walker, author of the book "What's Missing in Your Body" about Vegetable and fruit juices said that celery juice is the perfect solution to hot weather and keeps us cool. Intuitive eaters in general have body temperatures about 5degrees less than SAD eaters due to the fact that the body does not have to create a fever to "burn" up the heavier concentrated foods like starches, proteins and fats. These foods "sludge up" the circulation of the body and make it have to work harder.

Juicy fruits and veggies are the best for weight-loss. The reason for this is their cleansing ability. Also, in the book "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" it tells us that many cravings we get are because we are mistake thirst for hunger(If in doubt drink some water:0).

I'm no physician but in my humble opinion the best hydration natural drink solution to consume is pure coconut water(Perfect balance of hydrating electrolytes for the human body and therefore perfect for sports enthusiasts, mums-to-be, children and elderly alike:). Closely followed by awesome combo of organic celery and bananas. This is also great after a workout or strenuous activity. Let's no forget the humble fruit tomato, full of lycopene makes it a natural sun preventative measure too! This does not mean to disregard the slip, slop, slap(slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat)mantra. Common sense still prevails!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010


I forgot to mention ..... excellent ethical personal care brands that put people and planet prior to profit that are definitely worth mentioning(I love them:)

* Dr. Bronner's castille soap all-purpose cleanser is utterly-delightful!

*Tom's of Maine toothpaste(You can make your own from baking soda, dried orange / lemon peel:)

* Kingfisher Toothpaste(UK)

*Oliva(sp) The pure olive oil soap that's all saponified olive oil(biodegradable:) from Greece!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

No Poo!

I just like to share a no frills recipe for cleansing and conditioning hair. It also confirms that the mass-produced personal care products on sell on the market today are not only harmful to humans, mammals and the environment; they use up valuable vital resources and therefore unnecessary. These products are often full of toxic chemicals that destroy life. ie eco-systems, human and marine alike.

One way to change things is to 1, make your own 2, only support ethical companies that care:

*Jason US

*Green People UK

*Faith in Nature UK

* Avalon US / CAN

Remember! Good(Ethical)business thrives on supply and demand like any business, the more people that support good business the natural health industry will thrive and we all be healthy as a result, relying innately on our intuitive healing powers then 'big pharma'.

No poo: mix a little baking soda with water(simple:)

Rinse: diluted apple cider vinegar

DIY alternative: Indian soap nuts or a mixture of gram flour and water(mix, strain through muslin / stocking use the liquid part for washing hair:) You can also cleanse your body with this. As a rule of thumb(Human body is the largest organ)if you can't eat it, forget it!

An alternative to overpowering scent of the toxic fragrances / perfumes try a few drops of pure essential oil instead ie Jasmine, ylang Ylang, lemongrass etc.

No Poo!

I just like to share a no frills recipe for cleansing and conditioning hair. It also confirms that the mass-produced personal care products on sell on the market today are not only harmful to humans, mammals and the environment; they use up valuable vital resources and therefore unnecessary. These products are often full of toxic chemicals that destroy life. ie eco-systems, human and marine alike.

One way to change things is to 1, make your own 2, only support ethical companies that care:

*Jason US

*Green People UK

*Faith in Nature UK

* Avalon US / CAN

Remember! Good(Ethical)business thrives on supply and demand like any business, the more people that support good business the natural health industry will thrive and we all be healthy as a result, relying innately on our intuitive healing powers then 'big pharma'.

No poo: mix a little baking soda with water(simple:)

Rinse: diluted apple cider vinegar

DIY alternative: Indian soap nuts or a mixture of gram flour and water(mix, strain through muslin / stocking use the liquid part for washing hair:) You can also cleanse your body with this. As a rule of thumb(Human body is the largest organ)if you can't eat it, forget it!

An alternative to overpowering scent of the toxic fragrances / perfumes try a few drops of pure essential oil instead ie Jasmine, ylang Ylang, lemongrass etc.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Summer Solstice!

Longest day and the birthday of Prince William(He's 28 today:)Happy Birthday William!

Nature's Healing Power!

The healing properties of essential oils are many, varied and extremely effective. The list of plants providing these healing essential oils is almost endless. Here is just a small handful:

- Clove bud or lemongrass for numbing pain
- Chamomile or geranium for anti-inflammatory action
- Cinnamon or ginger for relieving pain by producing heat
- Lemon eucalyptus or lemon verbena for relieving pain through relaxation
- Sandalwood or tangerine for inducing sleep
- Peppermint or basil to inhale for headaches
- Marjoram or neroli to relieve stress
- Angelica or bergamot for depression
- Cardamom or jasmine to stimulate and make you alert
- Ylang ylang or rose to lower high blood pressure
- Thyme or garlic for powerful antibacterial agents
- Bay rum or geranium lavender for more gentle antibacterial oils
- Juniper or Melissa for treating viral infections

Lavender is the most popular of plants for its healing properties. It is a natural analgesic, anti depressant and anti inflammatory agent. Lavender originated in the Mediterranean basin but because of its fragrance and medicinal benefits, it has moved with migrating people and is now found worldwide. Lavender oil is the most important medical component of the plant and contains several distinct chemicals with healing properties that complement one another. It is one of the few essential oils that can be applied directly to the skin undiluted but should never be taken internally.

The most common way in which essential oils enter the body is through the nose and the skin. Oils absorbed through skin pores and hair follicles enter the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body. Because you smell the fragrances as the oil is rubbed on your skin, you can often benefit from both inhalation and the topical administration.

Smells are very important in our lives - they so often trigger memories of events in the past that we had almost forgotten. In addition, smells can initiate different physiological responses that can go so far as to affect our entire body and mental outlook and those healing properties in essential oils include the different smells produced.

The cost of making essentials oils is high, so most commercial product fragrances do not use the genuine article but rather those that are chemically synthesized. They might smell like the real thing but they will not have the healing properties - quite the reverse as many of the chemicals used may even be harmful by causing an allergic reaction.

Two treatment therapies that use essential oils for their healing properties are:

- Psycho Aromatherapy where essential oils are used to either stimulate or relax the brain. Some oils can have calming and tranquilizing effects while others are energizing. These oils can relieve depression, stress and anxiety and promote a general feeling of well being.

- Therapeutic Aromatherapy where essential oils treat medical conditions.

Whatever condition you might be suffering from, there may well be a healing natural oil product to treat it. These products are made from essential oils with all the healing properties that they bring. Such products are specially formulated to target a specific condition so there is no hit and miss. Essential oils are highly complex mixtures of often hundreds of individual aroma compounds so research, knowledge and experience are needed to get the perfect mix.

Importantly, the healing properties of essential oils have tremendous potential to reduce our reliance on pharmaceuticals with their synthetic ingredients and adverse side effects.

Try putting a few drops of pure lavender essential oil in a small cup of bicarbonate of soda(Naturally deodorising, neutralising odours)and leave to dry for a few 24- 48 hours. sprinkle on carpet and vacuum(viola you get a clean carpet and the scent Provence will linger for days!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Wow! just won a book from beingamummy.co.uk just in time as a reach a grand ole age on Tuesday! I'm on a roll as it's the second month in a row that I've won a book so says she that has never won anything prior to this good fortune. I'm soo blessed!

Thank-you universe:)

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Thought of the Day!

"As medical practitioners we cannot shut our eyes to possibilities, to a source of energy other than calories."

Coca Cola Drinkers please read!

When somebody drinks a Coke watch what happens…

* In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
* 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)
* 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
* 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
* >60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
* >60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
* >60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

If a can of coke can scrub a grimy toilet bowl clean, just think what it does to your internal system.

So there you have it, an avalanche of destruction in a single can. Imagine drinking this day after day, week after week. Stick to water, real juice from fresh squeezed fruit, and tea without sweetener.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Intelligent, wondrous Orangutans!

Orangutans communicate intelligently using an unspoken language of gestures, new research has shown.
British scientists who spent nine months observing the great apes in three European zoos identified 40 frequently-used body language signals.
These were employed repeatedly to send messages such as 'I want to play', 'give it to me', 'go away', 'follow me', or 'stop doing that'.
'Play' gestures involved a range of clowning antics, including back rolls, placing objects on the head, and blowing raspberries.
'Nudge and shoo' movements meant an ape wanted to be left alone, while a hand to mouth 'begging' gesture requested food.
Other gestures included hitting the ground, hair pulling, biting the air, swatting, grabbing, and walking in tandem with another individual.
Although studies of great ape body language have been carried out before, none have focused on the intentional meanings of specific gestures.
Two scientists from the University of St Andrews in Scotland observed 28 orangutans at Twycross Zoo in the UK, Apenheul Primate Park in the Netherlands, and Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in Jersey.
In each case, video recordings were made over a period of three months.
A total of 64 gesture types were identified, 40 of which were used frequently enough for their meaning to be analysed.
The gestures were used to achieve one of six social goals, to initiate contact, grooming or play, request objects, share objects, instigate joint movement or 'co-locomotion', cause a partner to move back, or halt an action.
The intention of gestures was tested with a 'goal-outcome matching' technique by looking at what an ape did when its signals were ignored or misunderstood.
Apes were found to be more persistent when the response to their gestures was not what they expected.
Professor Richard Byrne and Dr Erica Cartmill reported their findings in the journal Animal Cognition.
They wrote: 'Orangutan gestures are made with the expectation of specific behavioural responses, and thus have intentional meaning as well as functional consequences.
'The level of specificity we were able to identify in the intentional meanings of orangutan gestures resulted from our novel use of goal-outcome matching as a means of incorporating signaller intentions into the analysis of signal meaning.
'When paired with a high frequency of intentional use, goal-outcome matching is a strong tool for identifying intentional meaning.'

On a more serious note the humble orangutan is still on the endangered species list. They are stripping vast acres of their natural habitat(Rainforests surrounding Borneo)for the commodity palm oil(Remember to check food labels and soap etc.).

Daily Chants!

This is probably one of my favourite Sivananda Sanskrit sacred chants:)

Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha Paahimaam
Shree Ganesha, Shree Ganesha, Shree Ganesha Rakshamaan (3x)
Sharavanabhava, Sharavanabhava
Sharavanabhava Pahimaam
Subrahmanya, Subrahmanya, Subrahmanya Rakshamaan
Jaya Saraswati, Jaya Saraswati, Jaya Saraswati Pahimaam
Shree Saraswati, Shree Saraswati, Shree Saraswati Rakshamaan
Jaya Guru, Siva Guru, Hari Guru Raam
Jagad Guru, Param Guru, Sat Guru Shyaam
Om Aadi Guru, Advaita Guru, Aananda Guru Om
Chid Guru, Chid Ghana, Guru Chinmaya Guru Om
Hare Raama, Hare Raama, Raama Raama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare (3X)
Sat Guru Naatha, Shree Guru Naatha
Jaya Guru Naatha, Sivaananda
Sivaananda, Sivaananda, Sivaananda, Sat Guru Devo
Vishnu-devaananda, Vishnu-devaananda
Vishnu-devaananda, Shree Guru Naatha
Hare Raama, Hare Raama, Raama Raama, Hare Hare
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Om Namah Sivaaya, Om Namah Sivaaya
Om Namah Sivaaya, Om Namah Sivaaya (4X)
Om Namo Naaraayanaaya, Om Namo Naaraayanaaya
Om Namo Naaraayanaaya, Om Namo Naaraayanaaya (4X)
Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya (4X)
Om Namo Bhagavate Sivaanandaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Sat Guru Naathaya (4X)
Om Namo Bhagavate Vishnu-Devaanandaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Shree Guru Naathaya (4X)
Shree Ram, Jaya Raam, Jaya Jaya Raam Om
Shree Ram, Jaya Raam, Jaya Jaya Raam (4X)
Aanjaneya, Aanjaneya Aanjaneya Paahimaam
Hanumaanta, Hanumaanta, Hanumaanta Rakshamaam (2X)

Dattaatreya, Dattaatreya, Dattaatreya Paahimaam
Dattaguru, Dattaguru, Dattaguru Rakshamaam (2X)
Shankaraachaarya, Shankaraachaarya, Shankaraachaarya Paahimaam
Advaita Guru, Advaita Guru, Advaita Guru Rakshamaam (2X)
Krishnam Vande, Jagad Gurum Shree
Krishnam Vande, Jagad Gurum (2X)
Aanandoham, Aanandoham, Aanandoham Brahm Aanandoham (2X)
I am Bliss, I am Bliss, Bliss Absolute, Bliss I am
Om Namah Sivaaya, Om Namah Sivaaya
Om Namah Sivaaya, Om Namah Sivaaya

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

God's Pharmacy(Raw food as Medicine:)!

Do check out this short video via YouTube!

The Inspirational Mimi Kirk!

If you've got 5 minutes checkout this lady via youtube!


Now would be a good time if any to detox / cleanse the home environment to honour the new arrival with positive, love ,healthy, high vibrations. We're talking lots and lots of houseplants to improve air quality(Especially in the bedroom:) and getting rid of unhealthy and unpleasant negative ions(I'm not saying getting rid of the computer, but minimizing computer time and investing in a computer shield). Getting rid of microwave ovens, Television sets(or at least hide them away for at least the first year to give your precious offspring the best start in life:0). Getting rid of the highly toxic chemicals in cleaning products, bleach, commercial shampoos, shower gels etc. and stocking up on apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, fresh lemons, gram flour, essential oils of tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary etc. etc. olive oil instead(All make great household, home, first-aid and beauty remedies.


If you're unsure about creating DIY natural recipes from scratch I would recommend the excellent the fragrant pharmacy / home and the other one(Which I both bought many moons ago and can't quite remember the title, unfortunately I don't have them now:( ) by Valerie W I just recall that these books were a well-resourced invaluable reference / recipe book full of natural solutions for home and family. And of course there's the internet too!

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Sacred Mantra Chants!

Just love to share with you some lovely, upliting Mantras that inspired me to take up singing, dancing, art again. Print out some copies and chant alone, with baby, friends and family(Really lovely within a group:) Enjoy!

Maha-Mrtyun-Jaya Mantra
The Great Victory over Mortality Mantra.
A prayer to invoke the release of the illusion of limitation (of death)

Om Tryambhakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushti-vardhanam;
Urvarukam iva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Ma’mritat

Om Tree-um-bak-um Ya-jarm-a-hay
Soogan-dim Push-tiv-ar-dan-um
Oor-va-rook-am-eeva Band-an-an
Mrit-yor Mook-sheeya Maam-rit-at

Om. We honour Tryambakam, (literally "Three Eyed One" [Siva] symbolising a state of perfect knowledge of the three realms - body, mind, spirit). Our focus on this fragrant state of knowledge increasingly strengthens and nourishes us. Through it, may we be liberated from identification with the mortal body and its certain death, and from the illusion of all limitation, which is like death. May this happen as easily as the ripe cucumber is severed from the vine.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
Om Peace Peace Peace Om


A Chant for Wholeness
May all beings be happy.

Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu
Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu
Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om

Loka = world
Samasta = the whole (lit. together)
Sukhino = in transcendental happiness
Bhavantu = let there be
Shanti = peace (myself, surroundings & whole world, & all creatures/creation)


Shanti Mantras

Asato ma Sat gamaya
Tamaso ma Jyotir gamaya
Mrytor ma Amritam gamaya

From the Unreal, lead me to the Real
From Darkness, lead me to the Light
From Death, lead me to Immortality

Om Poornam Adah Poornam Idam
Poornaat Poornam udachayate
Poornasya Poornam adaya
Poornam eva avashishyate

Om. That is Whole. This is Whole.
From the Whole, the Whole becomes manifest.
From the Whole when the Whole is negated,
what remains again is the Whole.

Saha Naavavatu, Saha Nau bhunaktu
Saha Viryam Karavaavahai
Maa Vidvishaavahai

Om. May That protect us both, teacher and pupil.
May That cause us to enjoy the bliss of liberation.
May we strive to find the true meaning of the scriptures.
May we never quarrel with each other.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
Om Peace Peace Peace Om


Keep walking though there's no place to get to.
Don't try to see through the distances.
That's not for human beings.
Move within,
But don't move the way fear makes you move.


If I lose my direction, I have to look for the North Star, and I go north.
That does not mean that I expect to arrive at the North Star. I just want to go in that direction.

Thich Nhat Hanh

As love increases in your mind, harmful forces do not affect you....
The best protection from one who is trying to harm you is to think

"This being wants happiness just as I do.
May this being attain happiness."

The Dalai Lama

Beauty is truth, truth beauty, -
that is all ye know on earth,
and all ye need to know.

John Keats

Is where the real fun starts.
There is too much counting
Everywhere else.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves:
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God,
you're playing small does not serve the World.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking,
so that other people
won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us: it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson

You need not do anything.
Remain sitting at your table and listen.
You need not even listen; just wait.
You need not even wait;
Just become quiet, still and solitary.
And the world will offer itself to you to be unmasked.
It has no choice.
It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

Franz Kafka

Monday, 14 June 2010

GLOWING new mommy testimonial of the EC method!

Since birth we've had our baby usually on a flat diaper in the house, not attached. Every time she pees we say "pssssss" and every time she's pood we mimic her grunts.

The idea is to associate the sound to the action, and for parents to learn their babies cues.

It's been almost 3.5 months and I was starting to wonder if it was worth it (we've both been peed on many times). Well... yesterday I cued and caught 11/13 eliminations, and last night in bed caught over half too. This morning we are already on something like 6 catches to one miss.

WOW! What a breakthrough! I am so pleased. I've read many stories of babies 8 months old getting on a little potty and going no their own, and 1 year olds being in underwear. Amazing stuff.

For those of you that haven't read about this, it's how most countries not of the first world nations deal with babies. Diapers are a relatively new invention as we know them today.

I'm just amazed I can bring my 3.5 month old to the bathroom to go to the toilet. WOW!

And just so you know.. this is not like the early toilet training of the past decades known to be cruel to the baby. She is so happy when we read her cues and give her the chance to NOT go in a diaper. The grins we get!! Apparently babies from almost birth have bowel control... they only lose it because of diaper training.


Natural diapers(Bamboo, org cotton, hemp, lavender essential oil, Pure coconut oil, water etc.)and EC method makes sense as those TOXIC disposables / throwaways diapers pollute land and seas posing a thread to everbody(Humans and sea mammels alike:0) and you can be sure they'll be here long after you and bub's children have left these earthly-shores. Most importantly thought your precious buddle of joy will love you all the more for it!


Calling all Moms-to- be: Anyone heard of Elimination Communication?!

As a conscious being, natural health / parenting etc. has been forever close to one's heart. We are at a critical time where we, humans must radiate positive love vibrations , thus change our behaviour as consumers for our children's future on Earth. Do you want to be one of the best moms ever? If so read on!

I have been 95%+ raw for about 6 years (100% at times, less at others). My husband and I eat all organic. We did a 3 month Juice Feast with 4L of juice a day and LOTS of greens before we tried to conceive, and we did conceive the first month after our juice feast. That's pretty amazing in my books. I was 37 at the time, when many struggle for years trying to get pregnant. I am also taking folic acid, Vitamin , and B12 (all good quality brands), but no overall prenatal.

I think different states in Australia have different home schooling requirements. I think it's a little more complex than in Canada, and you might have to get school plans approved by someone before the school year starts, and save example work to show them at reviews... something like that. I do know that many people do it. If you were home schooling (we are going to as well) then you wouldn't need to worry about the vaccine exemption forms.

Often in the mainstream it's made out that things like home schooling are just not possible, and that you can't exempt your child from vaccines, but when you lok deeper there is always a way. Don't worry if you're told YOU MUST.. just look for a different way.

In Australia too I know there was some stuff happening with the laws around midwife's and their ability to supervise home births... I'm not sure what happened in the end if they lost that or not. That would be something to look into. There are some free standing birth centers though that would provide a less hospital birth. And if you read the free digital of The Simple Guide to Living Raw (available for free here) some people go way natural on births.. see Miss Bliss's story.

I am having a home birth sometime in the next month or so. I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I've had the simplest smoothest pregnancy of anyone else I know, and I don't think that's a cooincidence. I had maybe 10 days of morning sickness, and other than occasionally heartburn it's life as usual. It's been great.

Sometime else that will brow your mind away, have a read on Elimination Communication, or read the book Diaper Free. It's possible to work with your baby from birth, and never use diapers. Yep. Swami from the forums here has an 11 week old, who is already doing diaper free. It's all a matter of learning signals, and honouring the babies needs, instead of teaching them to ignore their bodies signals. Lots of people have babies who actually crawl to the potty to use it by 8 months... amazing isn't it? Much better than diapers for 2-4 years.

Another book you definitely want to read is The Continuum Concept. It the best book in my mind on natually raising kids and honouring their place in the world.