Monday, 14 June 2010

Calling all Moms-to- be: Anyone heard of Elimination Communication?!

As a conscious being, natural health / parenting etc. has been forever close to one's heart. We are at a critical time where we, humans must radiate positive love vibrations , thus change our behaviour as consumers for our children's future on Earth. Do you want to be one of the best moms ever? If so read on!

I have been 95%+ raw for about 6 years (100% at times, less at others). My husband and I eat all organic. We did a 3 month Juice Feast with 4L of juice a day and LOTS of greens before we tried to conceive, and we did conceive the first month after our juice feast. That's pretty amazing in my books. I was 37 at the time, when many struggle for years trying to get pregnant. I am also taking folic acid, Vitamin , and B12 (all good quality brands), but no overall prenatal.

I think different states in Australia have different home schooling requirements. I think it's a little more complex than in Canada, and you might have to get school plans approved by someone before the school year starts, and save example work to show them at reviews... something like that. I do know that many people do it. If you were home schooling (we are going to as well) then you wouldn't need to worry about the vaccine exemption forms.

Often in the mainstream it's made out that things like home schooling are just not possible, and that you can't exempt your child from vaccines, but when you lok deeper there is always a way. Don't worry if you're told YOU MUST.. just look for a different way.

In Australia too I know there was some stuff happening with the laws around midwife's and their ability to supervise home births... I'm not sure what happened in the end if they lost that or not. That would be something to look into. There are some free standing birth centers though that would provide a less hospital birth. And if you read the free digital of The Simple Guide to Living Raw (available for free here) some people go way natural on births.. see Miss Bliss's story.

I am having a home birth sometime in the next month or so. I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I've had the simplest smoothest pregnancy of anyone else I know, and I don't think that's a cooincidence. I had maybe 10 days of morning sickness, and other than occasionally heartburn it's life as usual. It's been great.

Sometime else that will brow your mind away, have a read on Elimination Communication, or read the book Diaper Free. It's possible to work with your baby from birth, and never use diapers. Yep. Swami from the forums here has an 11 week old, who is already doing diaper free. It's all a matter of learning signals, and honouring the babies needs, instead of teaching them to ignore their bodies signals. Lots of people have babies who actually crawl to the potty to use it by 8 months... amazing isn't it? Much better than diapers for 2-4 years.

Another book you definitely want to read is The Continuum Concept. It the best book in my mind on natually raising kids and honouring their place in the world.


  1. Hi Cosmic!

    I will definitely check out that book - Diaper Free and try to know more about Elimination Communication. This is the first time I've heard of it and I thank you for sharing about it.

    I admire you. I'm surprised to know you're 35 weeks pregnant. I'm at 34 weeks now and the heartburn's been so bad. I try to eat healthy as much as I can and avoid medications. I only take Folic Acid. Please do keep me posted about your pregnancy.

    - Joy

    p.s. I'm now starting to read The Continuum Concept. =)

  2. Oops! That's not me unfortunetly, just a glowing testimonial from a lovely, new mommy who released excess weight by adapting her lifestyle to a sustainable, animal and planet friendly one(Great mommy too:)!

    Oranges and leafy vegetables(lovely raw:)are a excellent source of folic acid. Have you tried green smoothies(Instead of a conventional processed meal, not only are they delicious it is a completely-balanced 'meal' with carbs / sugars, protein, vitamins and minerala:). Mono fruit eating for the day might help your hurtburn too.

    I have a feeling that you will cherish and relish your new role and what a excellent role-model you'll be for your community!

    In love and Joy!


  3. Hi Cosmic!

    Sorry about that... I'm sure you will be blessed with a little one soon... =)

    Can you teach me how to make green smoothies? Is it pure vegetable?

  4. Hi Joy,

    Appoligies for the late reply. Green smoothies are a awesome balanced combo of tender leafy greens(usually spinach, kale, chard, romaine) and fresh fruit. One simple yet delightfully-delicious combo is fresh pineapple and spinach! Are you up for a challenge, Joy? if so checkout

    Healthy blessings!

