Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Now would be a good time if any to detox / cleanse the home environment to honour the new arrival with positive, love ,healthy, high vibrations. We're talking lots and lots of houseplants to improve air quality(Especially in the bedroom:) and getting rid of unhealthy and unpleasant negative ions(I'm not saying getting rid of the computer, but minimizing computer time and investing in a computer shield). Getting rid of microwave ovens, Television sets(or at least hide them away for at least the first year to give your precious offspring the best start in life:0). Getting rid of the highly toxic chemicals in cleaning products, bleach, commercial shampoos, shower gels etc. and stocking up on apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, fresh lemons, gram flour, essential oils of tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary etc. etc. olive oil instead(All make great household, home, first-aid and beauty remedies.


If you're unsure about creating DIY natural recipes from scratch I would recommend the excellent the fragrant pharmacy / home and the other one(Which I both bought many moons ago and can't quite remember the title, unfortunately I don't have them now:( ) by Valerie W I just recall that these books were a well-resourced invaluable reference / recipe book full of natural solutions for home and family. And of course there's the internet too!

1 comment:

  1. The fragrant Mind, The Fragrant Heavens and
    Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child: More Than 300 Natural, Non-toxic, and Fragrant Essential Oil Blends [Paperback] all by Valerie Ann Worwood are all worth investing in. Anyone interested in healing from nature would appreciate these great resources!
