Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Wheat is poison for sure....

Well for this individual anyway! I've got the usual IBS symptoms of spasmodic inflammation, bloated belly etc. the trigger being wheat as in supermarket scones and pasta:'(:'(:'(:'( I can't afford to feel poorly with a dependent child that needs my undivided attention, I also need to retain nutrients in good food(not wheat)so the gluten will have to go!


  1. i'm sorry to hear! it's hard to avoid wheat where i'm from, but people do it. i wonder if you can tolerate organic wheat?

  2. Organic spelt is kinder for me(and a lot of folk)for sure! The problem is wheat has addictive qualities(opiates sp) making me overdose on the stuff leaving little room for proper nutrient dense fuel ie kale etc. and hence the awful symptoms ie inflammation not to mention malnourishment from non absorption.

    Thank you for your concern lovely friend:-) very sweet of you! need to stock up pile on quinoa, millet etc.

    Appoligies for the wingey sound of the post!

