Monday, 5 November 2012

words to live by

Have your heart in Truth, feel all people as wonderful, and have no opinions, speak carefully and at the right times, and see yourself in all beings, and do not become absorbed in worldly matters. Cast off lustful relations and abandon all conflicts. In order to meditate, practice yoga asana, and let go of passionate desires and anger, and in order to have good sleep and be well, be regular in eating, exercise and recreation. And tolerate affection, praise, derision, humiliation. And be tolerate of hunger, thirst, travel, labor, cold, heat, wind, rain, pleasure and pain. And do not harbor grief, distress, hatred and shame.
These are instructions given to me by my Kriya Guru's, and are good instructions for all, even in this modern world. I have observed these traits as a natural way of living in the Kriya Masters i have lived with, and never did i see them deviate from this, as this was there natural state.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

real nappy campaign!

Disposables contain sodium polyacrylate which have been
removed from tampons for safety reasons.
This chemical is known to cause toxic shock
syndrome when it comes into
contact with nappy rash on your baby.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Universal Gratitude, Blessings and Baby Bubble Bliss etc. !

For every second of every minute of every hour of every day I will be forever grateful  for the good and positive blessings in my life. Here's why(my fiest blog post entry:)?

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Baby-making project!

As the blog name suggests this blog is about one's long-term(nearly 3 decades)quest to get pregnant, give birth and raise my children in a sustainable, minimalist, and ecological-sound way. We're talking baby wearing(No prams , buggies or strollers etc. thank-you very much), breastfeeding, co-sleeping, cloth diapers, avoidance of all media, commercial 'toxic' toys and really getting to know one's precious offspring by stimulation, communication and being intuitively-attentive to their every need. My school of thought on parenting, why bother to have children if you can't enjoy them, preferring to hand them over to nannies, paid staff, grandparents etc.? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The child misses out on quality time with mother and the mother misses the all important developmental milestones.

About me!

As a typically-maternal, early crab(Cancerian)I know from a early age I had a yearning to be mother. As soon as I held and observed Baby Emma Louise's routine back in 1980 / 1(I witnessed her being raised by staying in the family home for a couple of months in Birmingham, England and knew that I was the 'Earth mother' type:) I knew instantly and vowed to be a young mother. Now I have my biological clock ticking so fast one hopes that they can finally fulfil this long-term dream vocation soon(I get on well with fellow watery Pisceans, so a dreamy water baby would be great:)! this(Happy Easter:)!

From this .........

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

It's a Boy!!!

Prior to knowing I was expecting my wee 'buddle of joy' AKA baby son I had the most vivid dream, I dreamt I had given birth to a BBB in the bath tub(best dream ever:) I also felt my intuitive abilities felt this too whilst pregnant(amazing feeling:)!

Feel so blessed and fortunate that mother and son are healthy:) Thanks to the dedicated-professionalism of NHS staff :)

He was born on the 14th March 2012 @ 13.40 (3 weeks old on Wednesday:) My waters broke on Monday(a gush on the 12th) on public transport (a bus) and thus my birth plan went a little pear shaped and far from perfect.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Firm Intentions from a 39 week expectant mother!

As human beings and thus custodians of the earth we must make an effort to live consciously and wisely for the sake of future generations, are more vulnerable furry friends*(and other sentient beings) the Earth and Humanity!

Our personal and family lifelong GOAL is to really make a wee bit difference in our lifetime(what's yours?!!! :)


* They too need our protection ,  love and support! 

Saturday, 25 February 2012

37 weeks today(yaaay:)!

I've finally reached my 'official full-term' goal of 37 weeks of pregnancy and despite the itchy belly and difficulty in walking(I'm slow) I feel fine and extremely blessed and privileged in carrying baby(thank-you, baby:)!

Can't wait to meet beloved babe:) I'm off to consume some organic strawberries and stock other delicious healthy treats.

Thank-you God / Universe:)

BTW the Sun has got his hat o today(double bonus) must soak up some of that much needed vitamin D to absorb the calcuim.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The Importance of Choline in Pregnancy and Lactation / Nursing

How much choline you need

Choline is important for the growing foetus nervous system and brain development.

Pregnant women: 450 mg of choline per day
Breastfeeding women: 550 mg
You don't have to get the recommended amount of choline every day. Instead, aim for that amount as an average over the course of a few days or a week.

Food sources of choline

Eggs, vegetables and some whole grain cereals (check the labels) are good sources of choline.
Some examples of good food sources:
  • 1/2 cup spinach: 240 mg
  • 1 hard-boiled egg: 113 mg
  • 1 medium potato: 105 mg
  • Raw sunflower lecithin
  • 1 cup cooked navy beans: 81 mg 
  • Brussel sprouts
  • 1/2 cup cooked soybeans: 41 mg
  • 1/2 cup cooked lima beans: 30 mg
  • 2 tablespoons toasted wheat germ: 26 mg
  • 1/ 2 cup cauliflower, raw or cooked: 24 mg
  • 1/2 cup cooked spinach: 23 mg
  • 1/4 cup pistachios: 20 mg
  • 1/4 cup cashews: 21 mg

Monday, 13 February 2012

The Huge Cost Of Fame

I was shocked and sad to hear of the tragic passing of the beautiful former model and singer, Whitney Houston yesterday(I have the fondest memories of going to sleep listening to the best of Whitney in one's youth, the soppy sentimentalist that I am (teens)). My thoughts and love go out to her loved ones, especially to her daughter, Bobby Kristina(how horribly-tragic for all especially for her).

Her parents appear decent(saw a picture of them once), her godmother is the legendary Dionne Warwick, so why? why? why? I guess human beings will always be vulnerable.

Thursday, 2 February 2012


It's COLD alright(at least the sun is shining I guess:) and despite the plummeting freezing temperatures I'm still LOVE consuming my delicious green smoothies containing kale, apples, lemon juice etc. and also lovin' smoothies with barley grass, organic almonds, sweetheart cabbage, lemon, frozen nanas and berries!

Dreaming of moving to sunnier and warmer climes:)

Friday, 27 January 2012

Muffin Memories

Sadly, Muffin (a very loving, compassionate, affectionate and intuitive black & white feline sentient being:) had to put to sleep yesterday. We worked out that he was approx 19 years! I am convinced that my beloved furry friend has every chance of a human incarnation in his next life. He had the most beautiful personality, soul and spirit and will be missed for sure. The world is a much darker place without him and thus lives on in our hearts.

I'll never forget you!  

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Soup of the Day!

Raw organic beet, apple(2) and lemon (you can't beet it, oo excuse the pun:), soo so simple so soo good!

Grated beets, sea salad and avocado is also lovely(inspired by Shazzie's 'Evie's Kitchen' recipe:) For greens add some versatile and tasty Fe rich flat-leaf parsley too!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Eats at 32 Weeks continued!

Today : Appreciated another lovely green smoothie breakfast made with  organic curly kale, 3 Granny Smith apples, juice of a lemon, baby perfectly-ripe avocado and water this a dream smoothie (so DELICIOUS:) and would recommend it to all(including the green smoothie virgins:)!

Post yesterday's green smoothie eats included: gluten and egg free savoury frittata / tortilla / soca dish made with the gram flour, Savoy cabbage, black pepper, cumin, sea salt and olive oil.

2 tiny yet very juicy oranges

1 Honeydew melon

A big, big Thank-you to  for the lovely wooden toy for baby:)

Monday, 23 January 2012

Eats at 32 weeks!!!

Today : am  Watermelon pm, Green Smoothie: lots of organic curly kale and Savoy cabbage made this intense and hardcore! I balanced this out with a ripe whole pineapple, ripe avocados and water.

Tonight??? something made with the versatile gluten-free gram / besan flour and with the rest of the Savoy cabbage, we'll see!!! 

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Savoured and appreciated a lovely home-made green smoothie breakfast consisting of  nothing but pure healthy plant fuel : ripe organic pears, lots and lots flat leaf parsley, spinach from the back yard and water. This would of been a 100% perfect sublime concoction if only I added one vital ingredient. Can you guess? The wondrous lemon of course!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Immunisation - to be or not to be?

There is much debate about whether to immunise your child. As you may of guessed I'm against it!  One feels it's like putting a foreign body inside your precious and delicate offspring's system often compromising their very own unique and wonderfully-healing immune system, causing a future of potential health problems,  childhood diseases and maladies.

I intend to focus on a pure, plant-based diet with plenty of organic leafy greens, organic fruits etc. sunshine, baby massage, nursing / nurturing / love / stimulation as a preventative measure to big pharma and government's not so accurate and thus sound advice.

What are you feelings? 

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Good Resources!

My must-read book list includes:

1. The Ransom of Red Chief by O. Henry
2. Salamina by Rockwell Kent
3. An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser
4. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway - I've been meaning to read this one for decades!!!
5. A Dog’s Tale by Mark Twain

These were recommended by 'wise owl' Victoria Boutenko and I  do tend to agree with her wholeheartedly about books vs movies (personally I prefer to unwind with a good book:).

Just like to recommend a nurturing and compassionate offering from a holistic specialist(Harley Street, London), Emma Cannon.

Resource:  You and Your Bump 

Saturday, 7 January 2012

30 Weeks Today (7.5 months:) !!!

Baby's Choice
Did you ever think, dear Mother,
As the seeds of me you sowed,
As you breathed new life inside of me
And slowly watched me grow,
In all your dreams about me
When you planned me out so well,
When you couldn't wait to have me there
Inside your heart to dwell,
Did you ever think that maybe,
I was planning for you, too,
And choosing for my very own
A mother just like you?
A mother who smelled sweet and who
had hands so creamy white,
A tender, loving creature
Who would soothe me in the night?
Did you ever think in all those days
While you were coming due,
That as you planned a life for me
I sought a life with you?
And now as I lay in your arms,
I wonder if you knew
While you were busy making me,
I was choosing you!
Colleen M Power
Our children chooses us for sure!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

What does an expectant mom drink?!!!

I'm currently enjoying Tea pig's Lemongrass tea, Tea pig's Peppermint and Liquorice Tea and Coconut water!

What does an expectant mom eat?!!!

Today so far:

Cantaloupe Melon

Fresh  Apricots

Bowl of yummy raw buckwheat cereal(1/3 C buckwheat groats, 1TBS currants, 1TBS each sunflower and pumpkin seeds, 0.5TBS dried cranberries, 1.5 TBS almonds all  soaked overnight) served with some almond milk*!


Cantaloupe Melon

Banana Pudding (made from ripe bananas and a raw cacao and water paste:)

Wee tiny samples of green smoothies and nut milk free event at Wholefoods Market:)

Creamy Reshi Mushroom, cashew, garlic, bell pepper Sea spaghetti.

Other memorable eats this week include:

Organic Blueberries, organic cukes and the fresh basil and cashew pesto sea spaghetti!

* Thanks to the wonderful Wholefoods Market I finally learned what a portion of buckwheat looks like(thanks to the surprise goody bag contents:)!