Toxins implanted into GM food crops to kill pests are reaching the bloodstreams of women and unborn babies, alarming research has revealed.
A landmark study found 93 per cent of blood samples taken from pregnant women and 80 per cent from umbilical cords tested positive for traces of the chemicals.
Millions of acres in North and South America are planted with GM corn containing the toxins, which is fed in vast quantities to farm livestock around the world – including Britain.
However, it is now clear the  toxins designed to kill crop pests are reaching humans and babies in the womb – apparently through food.
It is not known what, if any, harm this causes but there is speculation it could lead to allergies, miscarriage, abnormalities or even cancer.
To date the industry has always argued that if these toxins were eaten by animals or humans they would be destroyed in the gut and pass out of the body, thus causing no harm.
Food safety authorities in Britain and Europe have accepted these assurances on the basis that GM crops are effectively no different to those produced using conventional methods.

But the latest study appears  to blow a hole in these claims  and has triggered calls for a ban on imports and a total overhaul of the safety regime for GM crops and food.
Most of the global research which has been used to demonstrate the safety of GM crops has been funded by the industry itself.
GM: Ninety-three per cent of samples from pregnant women and 80 per cent from umbilical cords tested positive for traces of toxins. Picture posed by model
GM: Ninety-three per cent of samples from pregnant women and 80 per cent from umbilical cords tested positive for traces of toxins. Picture posed by model
The new study was carried out by independent doctors at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at the University of Sherbrooke Hospital Centre in Quebec, Canada.
They took blood samples from 30 pregnant women and 39 other women who were not having a baby.
They were looking for residues of the pesticides associated with the cultivation of GM food.
These include so-called Bt toxins, which are implanted using GM techniques into corn and some other crops.
Fragile: It is not known what effect the toxins have on the unborn foetus
Fragile: It is not known what effect the toxins have on the unborn foetus
Traces of Bt toxin were found in the blood of 93 per cent of the pregnant mothers – 28 out of 30. It was also found in 80 per cent of the umbilical cords – 24 out of 30.
In the non-pregnant group, traces were found in the blood of 69 per cent – 27 out of 39. It is thought the toxin is getting into the human body as a result of eating meat, milk and eggs from farm livestock fed GM corn.
The Canadian team told the scientific journal Reproductive Toxicology: ‘This is the first study to highlight the presence of pesticides associated with genetically modified foods in maternal, foetal and non-pregnant women’s blood.’
They said the Bt toxin was ‘clearly detectable and appears to cross the placenta to the foetus’.
Calling for action, the team said: ‘Given the potential toxicity of these environmental pollutants and the fragility of the foetus, more studies are needed.’
The director of GM Freeze, an umbrella group for community,  consumer and environmental organisations opposed to GM  farming, described the research as ‘very significant’.
Pete Riley said: ‘This research is a major surprise as it shows that the Bt proteins have survived the human digestive system and passed into the blood supply – something that regulators said could not happen.
‘Regulators need to urgently reassess their opinions, and the EU should use the safeguard clauses in the regulations to prevent any further GM Bt crops being cultivated or imported for animal feed or food until the potential health implications have been fully evaluated.’
Biohazard: Millions of acres in North and South America are planted with GM corn containing the toxins, which is fed in vast quantities to farm livestock worldwide
Biohazard: Millions of acres in North and South America are planted with GM corn containing the toxins, which is fed in vast quantities to farm livestock worldwide
The Agriculture Biotechnology Council, which speaks for the GM industry, questioned the reliability and value of the research.
Its chairman, Dr Julian Little, said: ‘The study is based on analysis that has been used in previous feeding studies and has been found to be unreliable.’
He said the toxins found are also used in other farming systems and gardening ‘with no harm to human health’.
Dr Little said: ‘Biotech crops are rigorously tested for safety prior to their use and over two trillion meals made with GM ingredients have been safely consumed around the world over the past 15 years without a single substantiated health issue.’

Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below, or debate this issue live on our message boards.
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When "Completely Average" posts a reasonable comment that there is research to show that the toxin in question is completely harmless, a flood of Red Arrows result. When Bill Eberline posts that "In his opinion, GM Foods are wrong!" and that "No studies will ever change my mind", cue a flood of Green Arrows. Never let it be said that DM readers would allow reason, common sense or rational arguement to get in the way of their prejudices.
Click to rate     Rating   3
The key point is that the GM industry said that the gut would break down any toxins BUT in this case the toxin found in the umbilical cord has gone through the cow's gut who ate the corn and has then been in the meat/dairy that the mothers ate and not been broken down by her gut either? Not like american coporations have ever lied before is it?
Click to rate     Rating   21
I'm surprised they were allowed to publish research detrimental to the profits of big business. Of course we know this and have known it for years.
Click to rate     Rating   8
The GM industry, famous for blocking access to its research, seems quick to denigrate any independent evidence or scientists who point out the dangers and problems, and disadvantages with GMO. And let's REMOVE AGCHEM & BIOTECH INFLUENCE FROM GOVT AND EU, then see what happens. Anyone who thinks we have a problem with food shrotage, needs to google the recent UN report outlined on the BBC. WE WASTE ONE THIRD OF OUR FOOD GLOBALLY EVERY YEAR. So where do ideas about food shortage originate? We need to get off our backsides and manage the distribution of food better. We can also grow our own organic veg - I grow stuff in pots. And if we, the general public think we can sit back and wait for the government to sort it out, then we are wrong. Nothing changes unless WE vote with our purses and tell our MPs. Personal Responsibility. Julian Little of Bayer - google Coalition Against Bayer Dangers and read up about that company.
Click to rate     Rating   4
GM Toxins-Utter nonsense-Toxins tend to kill ! This only proves that we are already eating quite a lot of GM foods (potatoes, bread, rice, tomatoes etc.) to no harmful effects.
Click to rate     Rating   9
I am not at all surprised. I have always maintained that we do not know enough about the long term effects of GM food, and I am now being proved right. Despite previous assurances by scientists that GM foods are safe, we now see the effects on the next generation. Beware the assurances of scientists who in the main are interested in profit; remember, it was scientists who assured us that DDT was safe and it was scientists who assured us that Thalidomide was a safe treatment for morning sickness in pregnancy! We cannot be sure that GM foods are safe until twio or three geneations have come and gone.
Click to rate     Rating   5
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